iPhone & iPad Apps Development Continuing Education Program Updates

60 students review


This course explores how to create apps for Apple iOS devices using core application components such as a GPS Receiver, accelerometer, timer, etc. At the end of this course, students will become proficient in Xcode, Interface Builder, Objective-¬‐C, understanding the common Cocoa Touch frameworks, multi touch concepts, multi--threading, and data storage on an iOS device. In addition, students will also learn how to write simple apps in order to consume data from a web service and how to write apps with multiple tabs and scrollable views.

Employment Objective

What you will learn:

Introduction to iPhone and iPad Development
Creating the User Interface
Coding the User Interface
Objective-C and Presenting
Data with Table Views
Applying Navigation Tools and Techniques
Interacting with Web Services
Enhancing the User Interface
Final Exam and Discussion
Mock Interview Preparation

Course Outline:

Introduction to iPhone and iPad Development, Creating the User Interface

Overview of iPhone and iPad devices, Rich, revolutionary development platform and APIs, Programming considerations for handheld devices
Getting started with application development, exploring the iOS Software Development Kit (iOS SDK), Xcode
Cocoa Touch, Objective-C, Simulator, Interface Builder, Frameworks
Leveraging Storyboards, Linking views visually
Presenting views modally, Experimenting with different segues, Displaying contents in a Popover, Embedding views in containers
Building applications with Xcode, Enhancing productivity with templates
Importing external resources, Developing iPhone/iPad universal applications
Designing views with Interface Builder, Dragging and dropping objects, Linking objects to controllers
Controlling size, position and alignment, Defining scenes with the storyboard
Testing with the Simulator, Recognizing limitations in comparison to a real device, Test-driving the application

Coding the User Interface with Objective-C and Presenting Data with Table Views

Programming with Objective-C,
Applying the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, Working with Cocoa Touch Frameworks
Saving data to permanent storage, Reading and writing files
Persisting data with property lists
Selecting the style to suit your application
Plain, Grouped, Indexed
Creating table views, Populating table view data
Customizing table views with images and formatting
Responding to user row selection
Implementing delegate methods, Providing visual feedback

Applying Navigation Tools and Techniques, Interacting with Web Services, Enhancing the User Interface

Displaying multiple views using the tab bar, Creating multiple tabs
Linking views with a navigation controller, Building hierarchical applications
Drilling down through different levels of detail, Evaluating implementation decisions
SOAP vs. REST native support, Parsing JSON vs. other formats
Establishing network communications, Leveraging the iOS networking classes
Issuing HTTP requests and reading responses,
Recognizing gestures and adding animations, Responding to swipes and taps
View transitions: curling and flipping views, Animating view properties
Adding gesture recognizers to views, Rotating views with autorotation
Supporting different layouts, Posting updates to a database, Adapting to various device sizes
Final Exam and Discussion
Mock Interview Preparation

Entrance Requirements:

Students must have an understanding of programming constructs, including how to use "loops", "if statements", and "functions" as
implemented in languages such as C, Java or C++.

iPhone & iPad Apps Development
5 Hours a Day 4 Days a Week
12/10/2018 09/03/2018
iPhone & iPad Apps Development
5 Hours a Day 4 Days a Week
Guaranteed to Run (GTR)
10/03/2018 09/07/2018
iPhone & iPad Apps Development
5 Hours a Day 4 Days a Week
to Run (GTR)
iPhone & iPad Apps Development
5 Hours a Day 4 Days a Week
to Run (GTR)
  • CompTIA
  • EC-Council